Sunday, May 15, 2016

I am (not) the Meme Queen

I missed class on Friday because of my AP Human Geography exam, but apparently we all made psychology-related memes!
I have been exposed to many memes, old and new, but I have neither the experience nor the wit to make memes myself. Thus, as a disclaimer, these memes will be absolutely terrible. I tried my best. (P.S. I made my memes here, feel free to try it out)

Here we go, the first meme. Karen Horney was the female psychologist who disagreed with Freud's sexist views in psychoanalysis. In Freud's Psychosexual Development, stage 3 (the phallic stage) originally involved only the Oedipus Complex and penis envy. Horney came along and, in the effort of making things more equal for women, created the Electra Complex and womb envy. Learn more about Karen Horney and her feminist views of psychology here!

This meme is aesthetically displeasing to me, but what can ya do? Click the image to read the words if it's too small.
Homosexuality was taken out of the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1973 by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), when a series of social reforms took place, starting with the Civil Rights movement, then evolving into the feminist and gay rights movements. This change, along with Alfred Kinsey's studies on male and female sexuality, had a huge cultural impact and benefited the tolerance and acceptance of different sexualities. You can read more about this history of homosexuality and psychology here.

Third meme! I think there are more liberals in Dulles, but I'm sure this meme is applicable in many other regions of Texas. This is related to all of those terms related to group VS group psychology stuff; for example, when a liberal speaks up in class, group polarization may cause every conservative in the room to start with small insults and slowly make more extreme decisions until they are chasing the liberal (in this case, Captain Jack Sparrow). Other cases of social psychology include: groupthink (a liberal may be discouraged from speaking up in class because (s)he is more concerned with group harmony), ingroup bias (all the conservatives support and favor one another in a game and leave the liberal out), conformity (the liberal may soon change some opinions/views in order to fit in with the group's standards), etc. Read more about social psychology here!

I never fully understood the firing process of a neuron, so I hope this meme is scientifically accurate. To my understanding, this is a representation of the All-or-None Principle. A neuron has sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) ions, and the releasing of these ions is what causes the firing of a neuron. Of course, you cannot half-fire a neuron, which is why all the K+ ions are released. If you cannot understand my poor explanation of the firing process of a neuron, or if you don't trust the validity of it (I wouldn't blame you), you can read about it here! I tried to read it and didn't understand it; perhaps you will have better luck.

The final meme! This is a joke about how the Asian father expects all A's from his child, including non-grade related A's like personality types! The type A personality is characterized as a rather uptight, impatient, competitive, and ambitious person whereas the type B personality is characterized as a relaxed, charismatic, easygoing, and laid back person. This also fits in with the meme because type A personalities tend to achieve more in academics than type B. Ha! I feel so clever.
Read up on the personality types (there are more than just A and B) here!

Links in this post:
Meme Generator -
Karen Horney -
Homosexuality and Psychiatry -
Psychology of Groups -
Neuron Firing Process -
Personality Types -

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