Sunday, April 24, 2016

I Need to Memorize an Entire Curriculum for AP Exams

I'd do something like this
My memory is terrible! I have no idea why, but I just can't seem to hang on to memories for longer than two weeks. From vocabulary words to important events in my life, the details of my memories just tend to get muddled up into one mess of confusion. I have sticky notes all over my house for me to jot down notes before I inevitably forget it. My father constantly complains about my tendency to misplace items. However, I memorized the entire World History curriculum in approximately one week right before the AP exam and got a four! (I probably need to do that again this year with U.S. History oops). So maybe there's hope for me yet... Either way, I don't expect great scores on these memory tests. The WHAP exam required more long term memory than short, and I have a feeling that my working memory is in poor condition.

Quiz One: Short Term Memory Test
This quiz asks you to memorize 12 words... I zoomed through the list a little too quickly! Oops. I only remembered five out of twelve. That apparently means it's working at average capacity, according to George A. Miller, who said people can retain 5-9 chunks of information in their short term. Of course, stress and other factors can affect your memory as well. Personally, I think this quiz is too short and should have a series of lists in order to get a more accurate grasp of ones short term memory capabilities.

Quiz Two: Verbal Memory Test
I was given a long list of forty words and asked to rate their pleasantness. Somewhere halfway down the list, I realized I'd need to recall them so I made a more conscious effort to memorize them (which didn't help). Once I was presented with 40 blanks, I struggled to remember the words. Eventually, I pulled twelve out of my brain, but one was apparently wrong. Then, on the recognition section, I found it very easy to select the correct word when given two choices!
Recall Score: 11
Recognition Score: 40
The average scores are 6 and 38 -- is my memory actually better than 75% of people who took it or was it a fluke? The results aren't extremely accurate because it wasn't a test conducted in a controlled environment with a professional, but it's still indicative of my memory capabilities. I find this unbelievable.

Quiz Three: Picture Memory Test
A picture is shown for 30 seconds and you are asked to recall the items. Out of 20 items, I remembered 10. This test didn't have any guidelines or explanation of the results, but referring back to Miller's magic number, I'd say I did well above average! This was a pretty basic test though. I'm not sure how I feel about its validity -- but at least the time allotted to stare at the picture was controlled.

Quiz Four: Face Memory Game
This test was definitely not what I expected. I was hoping I could get an idea of how bad I am with people (because I forget people's names in 0.5 seconds), but it was just a weird collection of strange facial features. It required recognition rather than recall, so it wasn't a huge surprise that I got 9 of the features correct out of 10 (got the chin wrong!). Or maybe I'm just a good artist! Either way, the time given to stare at the face wasn't controlled, so I don't think the results are too accurate. Plus, it's not a good representation of real life faces, which are much more varied with subtle differences.

Quiz Five: Remembering That Face
My Results! Take that, dad.
This one is very fancy with a contract and debriefing and stuff! Also it's Cambridge so it's extra official. It was extremely thorough and took forever! Compared with the other facial memory test, this one was exceptional. The face matching was extremely difficult when all 6 faces were put together. When the static came along, I just about gave up on the test. HOWEVER! My scores indicate otherwise! My Physical Activity Questionnaire score was bad, but I excelled in memorizing faces! I really do think my art skills have something to do with this. Either way, I think this quiz was the best in terms of controlling variables and providing a thorough, official examination of my skills! The time to memorize faces was controlled and the hair was removed and everything seemed very well done.

Links in this post
Short Term Memory Test -
Verbal Memory Test -
Picture Memory Test -
Face Memory Game -
Remembering That Face -

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